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Forms 12 and 43 For Regulated Plumbing Work


From a technical standpoint, social media should be a wonderful tool that enables us all to interact, ask questions, find information, and share our collective knowledge.

Unfortunately, as there is little to no real moderation, there is absolutely no guarantee the information obtained is correct (see: flat Earth). You can easily ask a question and receive 50 answers but if 49 are wrong, how do you know which is correct? The lesson here is to always check and verify sources.

Recently, on a popular plumbing social media page, a post was made in relation to providing Form 43 to a certifier for regulated plumbing work. Providing the form was supported by a moderator of that group.

Despite the long-threaded debate, the correct information and evidence were provided clarifying that plumbers do not need to provide Forms 12 or 43 for regulated plumbing work. The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (formerly the Department of Energy and Public Works) released an updated guideline for certifiers that clarifies this. Forms 12 and 43 are not a requirement for plumbing and drainage works.

Forms 12 and 43 fall under the building legislation, not the plumbing and drainage legislation.

The guideline reads:

“As certifiers do not certify or inspect work that is regulated under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 (PDA), they should not request certificates from a PDA licensee. There is no requirement for a licensee to provide a certificate for work that is regulated under the PDA.”

You can view the full document below:

Certificates from plumbers relating to building work


MPAQ members with questions can call the MPAQ technical team on 07 3273 0800.

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